Opensea Buying Safety Tips

WW | Sogg

Last Update 3 yıl önce

Verified Collections

There are many scam NFTs on opensea. When buying item from opensea, always look for a blue check mark if you are not sure of the collections offical opensea link. Buying items with the blue check mark mean the are an official NFT of that collection

What is collection safelisting?

OpenSea is primarily a self-serve, peer-to-peer marketplace. That means anyone can create and sell an NFT on OpenSea!

OpenSea's user safety team actively monitors the platform, approves collections and removes malicious content as soon it’s discovered, or reported by users. This ensures OpenSea's community remains vibrant while upholding our Terms of Service. 

All collections on OpenSea are discoverable by default, but collections that have been "safelisted" have been approved by Opensea's user safety team.

If a collection has not been safelisted by our user safety team, potential buyers will be asked to review important collection details and agree to OpenSea’s Terms of Service.

Unsafelisted NFTs 

An unsafelisted NFT (one that hasn't been reviewed by Opensea's user safety team yet) will prompt users to review collection details prior to purchasing.

This includes displaying important metrics for users to consider before they make a purchase:

-An OpenSea Confidence Score

-When the collection was created

-The number of collection sales

-The creator of the collection, including when they joined OpenSea

-Whether the collection name includes any special characters or irregular spacing 

Safelisting is separate from blue checkmark verification. Collections become eligible for safelisting after making their first sale. Wash trading and attempts by collections to manufacture trading volume will not result in safelisting.

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